Boost Your Running Performance with Tart Cherries
Boost Your Running Performance with Tart Cherries: The Ultimate Supplement for Long-Distance Runners Hey R2P runners, it’s time to up your game! This week, we’re spotlighting the incredible benefits of incorporating tart cherry supplements into your routine, especially if you’re a long-distance runner. Running long distances is demanding on the body and can lead to…
Are Carbs Bad? Myth of the Month
Myth of the Month: Carbs = Bad This month, I am starting a new segment that I like to call “Myth of the Month”. Every month I will be highlighting a different “nutrition myth” that may be falsely portrayed by the media or social discussion. Let’s discuss everyone’s best friend, carbohydrates, and the myth that carbs…
Digestive Enzymes: Improve Gut Health
Supplement Highlight: Advanced Digestive Enzymes by Thorne Labs There is a lot of mixed information on social media right now about digestive enzymes including who can take them and what they actually do and how they can benefit our health. Exploring the benefits and considerations of digestive enzyme supplementation sheds light on its potential to enhance…
Papaya: Produce of the Month
National Papaya Month The first time I ever ate papaya was in Ecuador. My family and I had traveled into the rainforest and the house we were staying in had a papaya tree in the backyard. We picked a perfectly ripe one off the tree and when we cut it open the flavor was unlike…
Men’s Health – Preventative Heath Screenings
June is National Men’s Health Month and it is my goal to ensure that every man in our Rehab 2 Perform community is as healthy as possible both mentally and physically. Pursuing health and fitness is not a destination but instead a journey and a big part of that journey is keeping up with preventative…
Recovery like the Pros
Supplement Highlight: Recovery Pro by Thorne Labs Then Recovery Pro by Thorne Labs is your answer to all of these needs! While Recovery Pro may sound and look like a normal protein powder it is far from it. This supplement helps you maximize recovery by providing 13g of protein at the end of the day…
Produce of the Month: Watermelon
Nothing says “It is finally summer” like watermelon. This classic warm weather staple is both delicious and hydrating and boasts quite a few nutritional benefits. Beyond being lower in calories and sugar (1 cup of diced watermelon only contains 46kcals and 9g of sugar), it is a bountiful fruit that is a significant source of…
Grilling Favorites
Grilling for EVERYONE! – Recipes of the Month This weekend is the official kick off to summer and what better way to celebrate than by firing up the grill!! Grilling can fit into any dietary preference or plan and can add tremendous flavor to fruits, vegetables and meats. Read on to find some of my…
On the Go Energy Supplements Stack
R2P Every Day Go-To’s Supplements Do you want to support your “get up and GO” attitude on a daily basis? Do you want to feel like you start and end your day with your health goals in mind? Routine supplementation in the morning and evening can help with this increased energy through enhancing the metabolic…
Spring Salad Recipes
Recipe of the Month: The Jennifer Aniston Salad(s) Last year the internet reported that Jennifer Aniston ate the same salad every day for ten years on the set of FRIENDS (which was one of my favorite sitcoms growing up). The initial salad contained quinoa, cucumber, fresh mint and parsley and a few other ingredients. The…