KB Romanian Deadlift
View this post on Instagram A post shared by Rehab 2 Perform (@rehab2perform) The deadlift is a “hinge movement” that targets the glutes, hamstrings, and lower back muscles (often referred to as the posterior chain). Perform the movement by…
Single Leg Elevated Hamstring Bridge Test
View this post on Instagram A post shared by Rehab 2 Perform (@rehab2perform) The single leg elevated hamstring bridge test is a local muscle endurance test that evaluates strength and endurance of the hamstring. Begin Lying on your back…
Active Straight Leg Raise
The active straight leg raise (ASLR) evaluates posterior chain mobility including the hamstrings and calves, as well as neural tension. Begin by lying on your back with legs outstretched. Keeping both legs as straight as possible and the toes pulled back, slowly raise one leg into the air ensuring the opposite stays in contact with…
Push Up Test
The pushup test is a quick and easy way to assess the muscle strength and endurance of the chest and arms. Begin in a push up position. In a controlled manner, lower your chest to floor level and immediately press back to the starting position. Maintain a consistent tempo without extended pauses between repetitions. The…
Explosive Control Test
The Explosive Control Test compares an athlete’s ability to produce explosive power with and without contribution from the arms. The test consists of two-parts: performing a typical broad jump hands-free, and performing a broad jump with the hand placed on the hips. Measure the length of each jump and compare performance by calculating the percentage…
300 Yard Shuttle
The 300 yard shuttle run is a test of maximal anaerobic power. Set up requires 25 yards of flat surface where the athlete will run. The goal of the test is to complete 300 yards of maximal running (12 lengths of 25 yards) as fast as possible. This test can be used with field athletes…
2-1-2 Bound for Symmetry
The 2-1-2 Bound for Symmetry is a test which looks to evaluate impact control and single leg maximal power. This test differs from other tests of single leg power as it involves a dynamic start, uses momentum to challenge the testing leg, and removes the skill associated with a single leg hop landing. The test…
Seated Single Arm Shot Put Test
The single arm seated medicine ball shot put test evaluates an individual’s single arm power. Set up requires that the subject is placed in a seated position with their back against the wall, and a 4 lb medicine ball held in a shot put position.
Upper Body Movement Control Test
The Upper Body Movement Control Test evaluates shoulder and total body stability, movement control, willingness to load the upper extremity, and wrist mobility.
Single Leg 7m Hop for Time
The Single Leg 7m Hop for Time evaluates single leg elastic power and can be performed as part of a return to sport test battery. The goal of the test is to cover 7m by hopping on 1 leg as quickly as possible.