Setting Goals for the New Year

Be the 9% in 2024 with setting your Goals
Tis the season for New Years resolutions, and I AM HERE FOR IT! Goal setting and knowing the how and why behind what you are pursuing is very important and these last few days of the year are perfect for reflecting on the losses and wins from 2023 and then looking on how to continue to progress in 2024. It is estimated that only 9% of individuals who make a New Years resolution will keep it, and I want you to be in that 9%!
When I approach planning out my goals for a new year I like to split them into categories. My categories for 2024 include a specific and timed goal for my body, my health, my brain and my soul. Separating my goals into categories allows me to more effectively create new intentions that address current deficits in these different areas of my life. I also find that most people repeat the same goals year after year which is boring and it can be challenging to get excited about pursuing the same goal over and over, especially if you have not been successful with achieving it. I have listed some examples for each of these categories below to hopefully inspire your resolutions:
- I will take a 30 minute walk every day on my lunch break
- I will commit to adding in 10 minutes of stretching before going to bed at night
- I will begin going to the gym in the morning Monday through Friday
- I will plan one hike each month for the first six months of the year
- I will complete a 10K race in April
- I will eliminate soda to help improve my diabetes
- I will add in three sources of soluble fiber every day to help reduce my cholesterol
- I will go to bed at 10PM every night to get 7 hours of sleep
- I will learn box breathing techniques to help reduce my blood pressure
- I will eliminate high acid foods to help control my reflex
- I will eliminate alcohol for 30 days to help improve my cognition
- I will not fall asleep with the TV on at night
- I will practice learning a new language for 30 minutes three times a week
- I will study every night for 20-30 minutes to get a new certification
- I will practice delayed gratification with ________ to improve my dopamine levels
- I will read one book a quarter on a topic I love
- I will dance in my home to at least one song a day
- I will meditate/ pray/ do a devotional daily
- I will journal for at least 20 minutes twice a week
- I will write letters/ cards to a friend or family member twice a month
If weight loss is a goal you would like to achieve, try setting your resolutions to be actions that will support you losing weight. During your quiet time where you are reflecting on 2023 be very honest with what habits kept you away from weight loss and address those habits! Here are some examples:
- “I will keep a food journal every day for the first 30 days of the year”
- “I will eat two fruits and four different types of vegetables every day for the first 60 days of the year”
- “I will commit to meal planning and creating a grocery list on Thursday evening every week for the first three months of the year”
Ensure that as you go through the process of writing out your goals, that you are targeting realistic changes. This is another reason I recommend reflecting on the past year prior to setting your new year’s resolutions so you can do an honest assessment of what were your barriers to change, where can you add or subtract things from your schedule to make time for your goals, and also what about your mindset needs to shift in order to accommodate the new version of yourself that you are striving to become. This is the groundwork or foundation of change that most people rush over but, in my opinion, is one of the most important parts of truly making a change.
Reflecting on this past year is also a way to learn from it and then LEAVE it in the past. Please do not let past failures dictate your future and remember you first dream it, then plan for it, and then go after it! Go be the 9% and if you need any help along the way please know that I am here to help and support you along your journey!
-In Health & Happiness, Jessica Murgueytio
Looking for some support and guidance with your Nutrition as you strive towards your goals in 2024? Learn more about our 1 on 1 Nutrition Coaching Here
Nutrition Therapy Services
R2P is proud to offer individual nutrition counseling with our new registered dietitian, Jessica Murgueytio. Personalized nutrition helps your body function optimally and increases the body’s ability to heal and strengthen itself. Both In-Person or from the comfort of your home, get started with your Nutrition Plan Now. Learn More Here!