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Produce of the Month: Watermelon  

watermelon recipes. nutrition

Nothing says “It is finally summer” like watermelon.

This classic warm weather staple is both delicious and hydrating and boasts quite a few nutritional benefits. Beyond being lower in calories and sugar (1 cup of diced watermelon only contains 46kcals and 9g of sugar), it is a bountiful fruit that is a significant source of vitamin C and potassium.

Watermelon also contains the antioxidants lycopene and L-citrulline which have been shown to benefit our cardiovascular health. While it is perfectly refreshing and scrumptious on its own, here are a few of my favorite recipes that include watermelon. I hope they inspire you to include more of this seasonal staple in your daily intake throughout the next few months!

-In Health & Happiness, Jessica Murgueytio 

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