


Through our wellness services at Rehab 2 Perform™ it is our goal to improve your quality of life and sense of wellbeing through programs that support you on your wellness goals. Through our efforts to support you on your journey, our physical therapists transition to more of a role as a consultant as we provide wellness services that allow us to guide you beyond our facility walls. Ideally, these services enable you to reduce the risk of injury as you maintain or improve your current fitness levels.

As Physical Therapists, our staff is uniquely educated and trained to adapt health care recommendations to the community environment where individuals live, work, learn, and play. This knowledge and ability enables our clinicians to provide our wellness services to specific environments and behaviors to assist you on reaching your goals.

For our role in health, fitness, prevention, and wellness, our Physical Therapists:

Will incorporate your medical and health history into a plan of care that includes data related to body functions and structures, activities and participation, and relevant personal and environmental factors

Apply the best available evidence in selecting and prescribing exercises, planning physical activity and injury prevention programs

Recognize the risk factors for, and the course of, chronic diseases and the potential impact on quality of life and on activities and participation

Establish and facilitate collaborative relationships that empower individuals in self-management across the lifespan and through the health continuum, with an emphasis on movement and function

Apply our expertise as physical therapists in exercise and physical activity to adapt health recommendations for individuals from a clinical settings to the home and community

Function as a member of an interprofessional team of health providers to help individuals reduce their disease risk and improve their health and quality of life

Continue 2 Perform with the new R2P+ Online Training App!

R2P + offers one-on one exercise planning, accountability, and guidance to help you reach your post-rehab goals. Learn more about the R2P+ Program HERE.

Improve Your Game with the R2P Golf Fitness Program

The R2P Golf Fitness Program offers golfers of all ages a one-on-one session with a TPI Certified Physical Therapist, helping them play to the best of their abilities. A Selective Functional Movement Assessment will be performed to help identify the golfers unique body-swing connection. Learn more about the program HERE.

Drop-In Recovery Services

Relieves muscle soreness & stiffness. Accelerate your warm up & recovery time.

Learn More about our extra services as we have partnered with Hyperice & Normatek! Get Started HERE.

All Major Insurance Accepted