Goal Setting

Set Your Goals for PT and for Life! 

We have all heard of the importance of it, but you might not have thought about setting goals for your rehabilitation process. However, we are big believers that goals signify importance and allow us to have something to keep us on track as we work towards a better version of our former self.

SMART is an acronym typically used to describe effective goal setting. It stands for Smart, Measurable, Achievable, Realistic and Timely. We can break these out in a more general sense, as seen below:

Smart  → Well defined, clear

Measurable → With specific metrics and/or criteria that measure your progress towards the accomplishment of the goal

Achievable → Attainable and not impossible to achieve

Realistic → Within reach and relevant to your life purpose

Timely →  Including a start date and target date reinforces urgence and creates urgency

But if we want to get more specific to setting goals for our rehabilitation:


  • Create a plan for your days, weeks and months to include rehabilitation time
  • Benchmark the difference between your starting point and where you would like to get to


  • Document your progress
  • Communicate the effectiveness with your physical therapist


  • Work with physical therapist to set realistic goals


  • Criteria that define progress towards previous activity level


  • Relative timeline or prognosis
  • Anticipated number of sessions or weeks/months of care

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